Botprize in the press


AIGameDev had a live broadcast with both winning teams on Sunday, October 14th at 18:00 UTC here.


Video Game Bots Act Like Real Humans by tvnportal

The Singularity Hub Turing test prize has two winners
golem Zwei Unreal-Bots sind menschlicher als viele Menschen.
The TechReport Unreal Tournament bots judged more human than human.
CNET Bots found more human than human in simulated death match.
BBC Online A new computer game 'bot' acts just like a real person.
KurzweilAI AI game bots 'more human-like' than half of human competitors.
gizmag More human than human: AI game bots pass Turing Test.
New Scientist Mimicry beats consciousness in gaming's Turing test.
New Scientist AI cyber-fighter: does it feel human, punk?.
University of Texas at Austin has posted this article about UT^2, one of the winning BotPrize 2012 entries.
A radio interview about the BotPrize between organiser, Philip Hingston, and radio host Al Coombs on Astral Radio London's afternoon show.


ERCIM News Conscious-like Bot wins the 2K BotPrize


Science Magazine Killer Bots are Getting Human
AIGameDev The Awakening of Conscious Bots
h+ Magazine Unreal Tournament 2010: Narrowing the Gap between Human and Bot Un equipo español gana el BotPrize 2010 (in Spanish) Un equipo español queda en primer lugar del 2K BotPrize 2010 (in Spanish)
New Scientist Online games are a gold mine for design ideas
Conscious-Robots The winning team talks about their bot.
AIGameDev Alex Champandard talks about the CIG conference, and his opinions on the BotPrize.


Universidad Carlos III of Madrid In search of machines that play at being human
MIT Technology Review A Turing Test for Computer Game Bots and in German
The Economist A new Turing test : Fighting it out A Turing Test and Cash Prize for Human-Like Video Game Bots (includes a nice video by Sean Williams)
h+ Magazine Unreal Tournament: Was that a bot or a human?
Solidot BotPrize——机器人程序图灵测试
SlashDot BotPrize - A Turing Test for Bots


Develop Magazine 2K Australia launches the '2K Bot Prize'
PC Gaming News 2K offers prize for most human-like bot building a better bot
OGI in Hungarian
Chips and Pieces in Portugese
GRACZ and Polish